Will 1, US Federal Government 0
Yesterday I made the long, boring drive from Spokane to Seattle for the express purpose of wading into close-quarters combat with the Federal Government, and its champion, the IRS. On my way home, as a sort of stay of execution, I visited my friend Mary in Ellensburg. After a good conversation, I moved on to gird myself for battle. Last night, Mom made an excellent cut of brisket for dinner, which was most delicious. Afterwards, we watched Jeremiah Johnson, a film that dares to ask the question "Will he actually say something?" I noted that in the credits, the script was written by John Milius, of Conan the Barbarian fame. The scripts have certain similarities, such as the fact that the main characters just don't talk all that much, or really do anything except fight random animals and the occasional faceless enemy, all the while wandering around and having miscellaneous "adventures." Except there were no giant snakes.
This morning, after a gladitorial breakfast of pancakes, I prepared myself for combat with my foe. I sharpened my sword, burnished my armor, and then set foot on the sands of the coliseum.
After two solid hours of combat, I emerged victorious with the IRS's entrails still wet upon my blade. That's right, I got me a refund.