Well, the weekend was pretty good, all things considered. Friday was uneventful. Saturday afternoon, I went with the gang to see Joss Whedon's
Serenity. I won't spoil it, but let me just say a few things: 1) Wow. 2) The Reavers are fuckin' scary. And 3) sob. That being said, it is definitely a very fine film, and a worthy continuation of the saga began in Whedon's short-lived
Firefly tv series. All the cast is back, and in fine form. Nathan Fillion's Mal Reynolds is a bit darker than before, but is not lacking for comic timing. The rest of the merry band of outlaws hasn't lost their touch either, and brings it all together for a rousing show. You can tell that there is real chemistry between all of the actors, reflecting the dysfuntional family dynamic established in the show. The new villain, The Operative, is positively chilling, and provides a good foil for the crew. At any rate, go see
Serenity at all costs. And then go again, because it's that much fun.
At any rate, after returning, Ryan, Aaron B. and I began to reminisce about the old N64 chestnut,
Perfect Dark. At which point, Ryan indicated that yes, in fact, he had a copy of said game at his place. Just as I was about to head over, Decken called. Now, it must be noted that freshman year, when Decken and I lived together, one of our chief past-times was in fact
Perfect Dark. The two of us had gotten quite good at it back then, but had not played in some time. With room for a fourth player, I invited him over, and so it began. A good time was had by all.
Sunday rolled around, and that means church and laundry. Church was okay, laundry meant playing games. Also watched the first disc of
Ghost in the Shell Stand-Alone Complex 2nd Gig. It was nice.
On a random side note, I really appreciate it when writers are willing to kill off a character, unless it's just some stupid shock stunt. But even then, there is only one thing worse than a character killed to shock the audience, and that is when said character is suddenly brought back to life. It just cheapens the whole thing. If you kill a character, have the decency to let him or her stay dead. That's where I think the whole
Passion thing went wrong. Jesus' resurrection just totally felt like the dictionary definition of
deus ex machina. To what is this world coming?