And Now for Something Completely Different.
Okay, so just thought I'd do this sort of list thingy because I'm sick and tired of bitching and moaning about crappy things, as my life is actually going quite well at the moment:
5 things that people with whom I generally associate think are really cool, but that leave me cold:
1) World of Warcraft. Okay, I will admit to being something of a nerd. Okay, I'm a huge nerd. But that's not the point. I'm just not that into the whole MMO thing, first because it requires a monthly fee (that quite frankly, I can't afford), and second, the hardware requirements of said games are way more than my little computer, Hal, can handle. Not to mention the fact that the whole communication via typing is just clumsy. Knowing me, I'd either spend all my time trying to say something cool (and getting totally chanked in the process) or I'd just totally ignore the chat aspect alltogether. At that point, why not just get a single-player game and be done with it, without having to pay the monthly fee?
2) Certain Anime. Okay, so perhaps I should explain here. There are quite a few anime series that I do genuinely enjoy (i.e. Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Kenshin, Gundam, to name a few). However, I just can't take the anime wherein the world of the story just doesn't make sense. I'm not saying that the whole thing has to be completely revealed, but it has to at least fit together in a coherent fashion. I'm looking at you, Revolutionary Girl Utena! Okay, so that's out of the way. I also hate series that just plain don't end.
3) Magical Realism. Yeah, my lit profs will castrate me for this one. It just doesn't do anything for me. If you want to bring magic into it, fine by me. In fact, that's great. However, because Magical Realism is basically limited to describing South American mystical beliefs, it just doesn't do it for me. I generally like my arcana darker and more occultic than that.
4) Punk rock. I'm sorry you like it. I find it annoying (though there are a few exceptions to the rule).
5) Macintosh compters. Okay, look. I confess to being an early adopter here. I had one of the original Douglas Adams Specials from 1986, and really, it was nothing to write home about. Some people really love their macs, and I say more power to them. They just don't do it for me.