Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

More wierdness

Okay, so the last few conversations with the parents have been quite weird. I would describe them as "singularly weird" except that each time, it's more of the same. In the first such incident, my parents all but accused me of being drunk and/or stoned. Now, me being drunk is not beyond the realm of possibility (as it does happen), though I had not even had anything to drink that night. However, I must say that I was mildly put off that they would think I was doing some sort of illegal drug. I've never really had any urge to use such substances, as I tend to think that they're far more trouble than they are worth, what with all the unpleasant side-effects, health risk, not to mention the fact that in order to obtain such substances, one has to consort with individuals that break fairly major laws, and often in violent fashions. The most recent incident involved my dad trying to give me relationship advice, in spite of the fact that I really don't have anyone that I'm not really looking for a relationship in my life right now. I've made peace with my place in life right now, and the fact that I haven't had a date in some time really isn't bothering me at the moment. Stop laughing, I'm serious! It's not that bad. At any rate, Dad seems to be under the impression that this is depressing to me. While there are depressing aspects of my life (such as my continued unemployment), my relationship status is not one of them. In fact, it's one of the few things that I've come to accept and with which I can live. Next thing you know, they'll be trying to set me up. That would just be awkward, though.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Frodo Gets Drunk and Screws with the Neighbors

Well, the weekend has come and gone. Friday night, Decken and I made his famous shrimp and apple dish, which was quite delicious. I then went home and did some serious pen n' paper gaming. Saturday was pretty much uneventful. Sean, Jeff, and Aaron B. came over, and we played some Battlefront II, which was entertaining. Sunday was...interesting. I ended up pinch-hitting for one of the other interns during youth group that evening, which is not in itself a bad thing. However, during the high school hour, we ended up having a kid just randomly show up who was obviously drunk off his ass. We ended up having to call his parents and having them come get him, but the net result was that the entire evening was disrupted. Oh well. At least he didn't drive home. Later, Justin showed up for our usual Sunday night hang-out, wherein we watched Dungeons & Dragons II: Wrath of the Dragon God. That movie really is a piece of shit, as most movies based on any sort of game usually are. Yesterday saw me going through grad-school app stuff, and generally just writing and the like. Decken and I hung out in the afternoon, and then I went home and made dinner. The end.

By the by, there's a new update over at morgothbauglir's sister site, ye olde Life of Wyma, courtesy of Lars. Check it out.