I just got back from The Matrix: Reloaded, and damn if that wasn't one of the coolest movies I had seen in some time (even cooler than X2). As I mentioned before, I saw it with the modern philosophy class, which always makes for a fun time. I had originally thought that Reloaded would be less philosophy and more action than the first film, but surprisingly, I was wrong. In fact, there was actually MORE philosophy in this one. It was interesting to see the way the picture of free will turned out in this film, which was essentially compatibilism. Also welcome was the return of Agent Smith, who happens to be one of my all-time favorite characters, and this time he's more powerful than ever. His role, though, remains a mystery. The only bad thing is that now I have to wait until November for Revolutions to find out what happens next. Suffice it to say, the cliffhanger was most unexpected.
In other news, I have had two finals so far this week, and another two tomorrow. I had French yesterday (not bad) and Astronomy today (easier than it should have been). Tomorrow I have a Modern Philosophy final at 8 AM (OH YEAH!), and Ancient & Medieval Worlds at 12:30 (yuch). We shall see how all turns out. After that, I am DONE. That's right. DONE for the year. Dad and Andrew pick me up on Saturday, and I will be ready to get the hell out of Dodge.