Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Friday, September 30, 2005

I couldn't resist

Okay, so thanks to DMZ for this one. It was in the comments segment of yesterday's post, but it deserves to have an actual link on the main page, so here it is: Planes, Trains, and Plantians. For anyone who has ever lamented how stupid people can be, read it. You wonder how this guy actually got into college in the first place.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I hate my immune system AND the band it likes

Yeah, remember that whole sick day thing? Tuesday was, as I had intimated, not so bad all things considered. I thought things were going well. Suddenly Murray (that's what I call my immune system) decides to crap out on me all over again, so I've been living in that circle of hell wherein the victims are tormented by endless phlegm and more than a little bile. I currently sound like some unholy cross between the Tasmanian Devil and a pubescent boy. Generally, Murray does a pretty good job, but every once in a while he just totally drops the ball, and right now is one of those times. Pull yourself together, Murray! This is almost as bad as that time that Walker, Texas Ranger told me I had AIDS. The funny thing about this whole sickness deal is that everybody I know seems to know someone who is sick right now, but are not sick themselves. I haven't even met a single person who could be classified as sick (myself excluded). How does this occur? Does the virus decide to just skip a generation? Or are all of my friends who know sick people just carriers? Hmm...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Back on my hoopty

After yesterday's sick day, I am feeling a bit better. Last night, Justin, Beth, and Sara and I went out for drinks and such. Originally, we had planned to go to Chili's, as they were doing a benefit for hurricane victims. However, they were about to close when we got there, so we went to the Onion instead. It was good to get out and see the whole gang. Or at least, three members of it. At any rate, I am now feeling marginally above the weather, so that is good.

In other news, yesterday Gemedet (across the way from us) left his apartment to run some errands. In the meantime, his mother showed up at our door looking rather worried. We told her that he had been home all day, and had probably left to run some errands, which placated her a little bit. Not ten minutes after her departure, Gemedet showed up at our door. It was all rather surreal.

In conclusion, I apologize for my dull life.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sick like an animal what has been infected with the ebola virus AND the flu AND malaria AND strep throat AND aids AND a nasty bowel infection...

Only one of the above maladies actually applies, and it isn't ebola OR the flue OR malaria OR aids OR a nasty bowel infection. Just a nasty sore throat that keeps bothering me. At any rate, the weekend was quite good. Friday night, Deck and I went to see The Corpse Bride, which was okay, though not as good as its predecessor (Nightmare Before Christmas). Then, through an intricate series of events, lost his dog, and then found it. Long story short, we abused our lungs and our livers. Saturday rolled around, which meant gameage. We started a new campaign, this one Urban Arcana, with Tramp as the new GM. It was most enjoyable. In the evening, I went to see my friend Sarah's new movie, which was definitely a work in progress. The story was good and compelling, but from a technical perspective, it did not look finished. It was, however, a good opportunity to see friends who had not been seen for some time. Sunday was busy laundry day for me, while playing X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. Those of you who are familiar with my comic-reading habits know that I find the AoA series to be one of the best X-Men projects ever made. This made my enjoyment of the game far greater than its already-awesome premise would make it ordinarily. In the evening, Justin came over, and, in lieu of the now-defunct Unexplained Mysteries, began Firefly. Seriously a good show whose only fault lay in that it was too damned good for its time and network. That, and it required a huge budget. Which brings us to today, where I am now sick as a dog. Perhaps I will be feeling well enough to go out later tonight, but for now I must seek sustenance in the form of chicken noodle soup and green tea.