I come to bury Caesar, not praise him!
More Shatner, this time rapping about his homeboy, Julius Caesar.
WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!
More Shatner, this time rapping about his homeboy, Julius Caesar.
Interesting things have happened. Yesterday, the grandmother of one of my co-workers died. This was something about which I was in the dark until well after I had failed to notice her going home in tears, at which point I felt like something of the cad. Then, this morning, without thinking, I put on my Death and Mort "Murder a Curry" shirt, and felt even worse. Oh well. So I have a gallows sense of humor. So yes, this is most interesting. It's Friday, though, which means tomorrow is Saturday, and I can relax for a bit.
Last night, the room-mate and I had a long conversation about life, the universe, and everything. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently (me? thinking? NEVER!) about a great many things, from the nature of the universe, to the nature of my own existence, and I've realized a few things. I sometimes find myself caught in that long, dark, teatime of the soul wondering if I will wake up the next morning. I've also been thinking a lot about the difference between humility and self-degradation. Now, I'm all for making a joke at my own expense (I'm so giving that way), but there seems to be this post-Calvin sense among many people I know that they are in fact the most loathsome creatures to ever crawl up out of the primordial ooze. It seems like these individuals have forgotten how to love themselves just a little. Now, I'm not saying that we all need to start subscribing to that good old California cult of the self, but rather that we have mistaken emo crap poor self-image (which is just self-absorbed bull) for humility (which is really just accurate self-perception, including both strengths and weaknesses). You can't love, give, or forgive if you are convinced that you have nothing of value to give anyone, and you're doomed to be nothing more than a psychic vampire. And you all know my opinions on vampires, or at least I hope you do (namely, I don't hold truck with them). It's like people are so afraid of being arrogant that they just spend all their time trying to degrade themselves, but really, they haven't stopped talking about themselves. As Aristotle reminds us, the opposed extreme is still vice.
Hey, check this out: A site that translates any website into other dialects. This site is pretty tight in jive, let me tell you. In addition to jive, it also does Cockney, Redneck, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, Pig Latin, and Hacker.
This weekend has been quite interesting. Friday night, the room-mate's girlfriend was up visiting. I went to bed. Saturday, we had our normal gaming crew over. After getting some hardcore healing and a flaming rapier, I'm back in the game. Let's just say I have never been happier to see FedEx and leave it at that. Sunday was Easter, which of course meant that we had a Sunrise service, which occured at the home of one of the congregation members. Unfortunately, this is one of those places that is damn near impossible to find, even with good directions. Needless to say, I got lost and managed to get there just in time for the end of the thing, but I did manage to get to go for a long scenic drive through the murderous-hick-infested yet strangely beautiful countryside surrounding north Spokane. I saw all kinds of wildlife, such as suicidal deer, cowardly pheasants, and psychotic border collies which attacked my car. Did I mention I have a life-long and undying hatred for dogs? At any rate, I did manage to see a gorgeous sunrise, and it was worth it. Ten minutes after finally arriving and catching the end, I returned home to take a nap before breakfast at the church. After that was service, and all that implies. Sunday evening, Justin came over, and we hung out. In short, it was a good weekend. Hell, any weekend when I don't die a horrible death is a good weekend in my books.