Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

How can you make a phone call if you can't speak?

Early Wednesday morning, my fever broke, and all was as it should be in my body...except for my throat, which was (and still is) damnably sore. I went in to work as normal, and next thing I knew, I found out that the long-awaited move was now to occur this week. Okay, I can deal with that. After all, the sepulchral gloom of the Bat-Cave was fairly lonely at times. After getting the news of the move, I went back to the 'Cave and resumed my work. Not fifteen minutes later, Sam appeared informing me that he needed me to move into the FPML room that very day. The move happened after lunch, with me moving into Ipps' old desk, and Ipps moving across the hallway. We then moved all the desks out of the 'Cave and into the back offices, which took some doing, owing primarily to the relative size of doorways. So now I'm in a room full of people, which is going to take some getting used to. It's like when Batman hooks up with the Justice League and has to work in the Watchtower. Though I sometimes like the company of others, I tend to be something of a social misfit, in that I never really know what to say. I'm either too serious in a time of levity, or too flippant in a time of seriousness. It's rather frustrating at times. This will take some work on my part.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sick unto death

Yeah, I'm sick right now. I can honestly say that I am most definitely NOT a fan. Every joint in my body hurts right now, and ibuprophen has become my new best friend. So long, alcohol! You are not the cure to all my pains right now! In other news, the weekend was definitely...interesting. I had an experience about which I am uncomfortable talking in an open forum, but which was good. Saturday night, we stayed up late playing Twilight Imperium, a board-game with the most Byzantine and arcane set of rules I have yet to come across. Think of the most complicated game possible, and multiply that by ten and you have Twilight Imperium. It's like good ol' Masters of Orion in board-game form. I must confess that the sci-fi geek in me was absolutely thrilled to get back into galactic politics. The feel of the game is like a mix of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, Frank Herbert's Dune series, and the ever-awesome Babylon 5. Would I recommend the game? Yes, with the caveat that the game starts early, and somebody has to go Imperial once per turn. Otherwise, the game never ends and people get tired and cranky, and don't care what kind of treaties they may have arranged with the technology brokers and decide to make their lives a living hell, forgetting that the technology brokers have managed to build the most advanced fleet in the galaxy, an alien engine of destruction...with limited movement, of course. You can put two and two together, I presume? Sunday saw me sleep-deprived and on edge, mitigated by the nocturnal visit of Justin, wherein we talked about life, the universe, and everything, and the religious affiliations of superheroes (see previous post on this). Monday was work, and again I did not get as much sleep as I would have liked, but I got some stuff accomplished. I'm learning about databases right now, and this is quite fascinating to me. Also, our office is absolutely crazy about this whole Gonzaga thing. You might have heard of it. In my NCAA pool, I am picking winners based upon the schools' philosophy departments. As University of Indiana is the school that gave rise to David Chalmers himself, I decided to pick them over Gonzaga. Oh, the folly. At any rate, I have UCLA winning in the end, so we shall see how that turns out. And that, gentle readers, is my "state of the Will" address for now. Questions? Comments? Let me know. I won't bite...hard.