Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

If I were to invent my own language, I'd call it !#(*@

Last night marked the first barbeque of the year, as the sunny weather meant that the time was ripe to gather the guys, grab some burgers, snag some beer, and cook them outside (the burgers, not the beer). With the usual crew present and accounted for, we drank, ate, and generally had a good time. Phyxius is loaning us his 360 for the time being, as he has decided to devote some time to power-levelling in WoW, and needed to rid himself of a distraction, so we have been enjoying that. In other news, not sure how I feel about the return of warm weather.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Burden in My Hand

Sometimes, when I need a little extra oomph, I read Wil Wheaton's blog, specifically the encouraging comments left for him, and then I add an extra 'l' to the end of "wil" and pretend they are talking about me. Yeah, it's kinda' sad that way, but what are you gonna' do?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


So there was a fire just now in the building. In effect, we had the most non-chalant evacuation I've ever seen. As we all walked down the stairs, it was with a rather cavalier attitude that we discussed the potential towering inferno. Turns out it was pretty much nothing. If someone wanted to hack our system, now would have been the time, except that we locked our doors on the way out. It was just rather surreal.


So yesterday I got an e-mail from my aunt informing me that my cousin Charlie is going to have a baby. Well, not him, his fiancee/wife. You get the idea. It just seems really weird, considering I've known him since I was four. He lived in Florida, and often visited my grandparents and aunts when I went down to visit them, so as a consequence, we spent many summers together with our cousins Joey and Jonothan, and his brother Mikey. My most vivid Charlie memory is the fact that he is allergic to chocolate (talk about the curse). One time, my aunt, Maerie (her room-mate), Charlie and I were going to visit my aunt's cabin in South Carolina. On the way there, we stopped at an ice-cream shop. Charlie, in spite of the afore-mentioned allergy, decided to get this triple fudge brownie sundae. The rest of the weekend, he was throwing up like crazy. Oh man, but he was miserable. And now he's going to be a father. It's one thing when people you knew in college are having babies, but it's something entirely different when it's people you've known since early childhood. God, but I feel old. At any rate, Charlie, congratulations and good luck. You'll need it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Kicking and Screaming into the Century of the Fruitbat

I had the oddest dream this morning. For one thing, I actually remembered it (a rarity for me). I dreamt that I was sleeping outside under a tree filled with bats. At some point, I aroused from my slumber to find a small brown bat crawling up my blanket. Attempting to frighten it away so I could sleep unmolested, I tried to make something of a noise, but all that came out was a pathetic warbling, at which point I realized that it was all a dream, and I was in my own room, completely bat-free. The funny thing is that I actually warbled.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Adventures of the Triune Nerd

Ian is in town, so obviously, Justin and I were going to hang out with him. Last night, they picked me up from my place, and we hit the town. That's right, we went to The Comic Book Shop. After picking up some TPb's that I had been meaning to get (Cable/Deadpool!) and a hat, we scurried forth into the night to Red Robin, where we all ordered the same thing to drink, and mostly the same thing to eat, further proof that we are all in fact the same person, and yet separate. We're kind of a divinity like that, granted not much of a divinity. Sample prayer to the Nerd God: "O god of nerds, grant me an X-Box 360." Response: "Get it yourself, mortal. Does it look like I'm made of money or something? Geez." "Well could you at least speed up the production schedule on Ultimates Vol. 2?" "Yeah, that would be great, wouldn't it? Too bad I'm not able to do that!" "Some god you are!" "Eh, it pays the rent." Needless to say, the Triune God of Nerds decided that it needed to do something, so we wandered through Best Buy not buying anything (after the comicgasm, we did not really want to spend more money). We then decided to return Ian to his hotel room, where we spent some time just talking about writing, telling humorous stories, and making grandiose plans that may or may not reach fruition. Does anybody know someone who could promote a publishing company really well?
Edit: you don't need to be a blogger member to post a comment. Just click the radio selection in the Comment window and enter your name and/or website and comment away.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Irish Blood, English Heart

Well, the weekend was good. Friday night, I just needed a beer, so I got one and felt better. Saturday dawned and it was in fact a beautiful day. Sean showed up around two or three or so, and announced that he wanted to go for a drive in his Trans Am. It being that sort of day, I said, sure, let's do this. So we rolled around the general vicinity of North Spokane and the environs of Whitworth. Afterwards, we began the game. Short summary: after handily wiping out a pack of cultists, we teleported back to New Orleans, went to a bar (where Marcus Strange picked up a hot chick, while Blake Daimius, our sniper, picked up a she-male), got into a bar-room brawl, picked up a new team-member, bamfed back to Hell's Canyon, wiped out another pack of cultists (during which Marcus fell victim to a three-hour long mindwipe, leaving him temporarily amnesiac), and had an all-around good time. Sunday morning was youth sunday, wherein we metaphorically whacked them upside the ass with a bottle of fine champaigne (we basically dedicated their trip to New Orleans). Afterwards, I took a hard-core nap and finished up Babylon 5. That evening, Justin came over and we hung out at Shari's, where we were subjected to the loud chatter of a pack of girls, which only got louder after my sister joined up with them. Meanwhile, I have only one thing to say: FUCK NAMLOAD!