I could come up with a wicked awesome title if I really felt like it, but I don't, so I won't.
So I started playing Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders the other day. I have to say, this is one of the best takes on both the RTS and the action/brawler genres I have ever seen. You control a general in a medieval fantasy setting. Unlike most RTS games, the player is not some strangely omniscient but faceless general, but rather one specific character with a unique set of special abilities. You start out with a squad of infantry, and then add archers, sappers, cavalry, and paladins to your command. Each squad can be moved individually, and use unique abilities. However, once your primary infantry squad enters melee with an opposing force, the play-style switches to a more action-oriented mode, wherein you as the general go in and whoop some serious ass, showing why they promoted you. Each type of squad has its own particular uses. Infantry is basically your straightforward melee combat unit. Paladins are like a slightly weaker infantry with the ability to heal. However, healing and other holy magics can only be used outside of melee. Thus, you generally want to keep your paladins out of melee whenever possible, so they can restore your other forces. Archers are basically useless in melee, so you have to keep them back a ways, peppering enemy units from long range with arrows and fire arrows. Sappers are pretty much non-combatants, but are incredibly useful for devising traps, setting explosives, and lighting stuff on fire. Cavalry is quite effective against opposing infantry, and is best used to charge, then withdraw, and then charge again. However, if they get caught up in protracted melee, they are simply easy targets. And I haven't even mentioned the spearmen, bombers, and griffon riders. At any rate, definitely a title to look for. It has a sequel coming out at the end of this month. I will be most interested. But what do I know?