Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Yesterday was actually quite good, all things considered. The day started off with, well, I wouldn't quite call it a bang, but it ended with a lecture on a big one (The Big Bang). I had an astronomy test. Whoop-de-doo. Now, I have always been fascinated by astronomy, and it is one of my favorite things to just sit around and contemplate, but our prof really doesn't care, and makes no effort to challenge us. The test was a breeze. After that, I had scheduled a meeting with my Ethics Bowl team at noon. Only one other person showed up. We sat and talked for a bit about how we were planning on arguing our cases, and outlining general strategy and that sort of thing. Immediately thereafter, I booked it to the library and revised the first part of my modern philosophy paper, doing quite a "bang-up" job, if I do say so myself. Upon completing my work, I returned to my room and relaxed a little bit, doing some skeet shooting on our wall. I then went to dinner, and then the coolest part of the evening: A philosophy lecture dealing with Leibniz and the Big Bang, and whether or not the universe has a necessary or contingent existence. The lecture was given by William Lane Craig, a respected cosmologist and one of the leading Christian appologists of our time. This was right up my alley. As both a philosophy buff, a self-proclaimed sci-fi geek, a dabbler in astronomy, and as a Christian, I was most intrigued by the arguments presented by Craig. He argued that the Big Bang theory supports the theistic idea of creatio ex nihilo, or creation from nothing. Just the vast possibilities were enough to get my imagination churning. I went with most of our modern philosophy class, plus Keith Wyma. Afterwards, we had some good discussion about what we had heard. I came home happy and intellectually stimulated. That, I think, is the ultimate in happiness.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

The Return
Well, I'm back from spring break. I wish I could say I did something or derived some sort of pleasure, but sadly, that was not meant to be, it seems. I did a whopping...NOTHING! There isn't really any news to report, so I'll leave you with this bit of poetry.

The Wraith
I float through the world,
but utterly immaterial.
I cannot leave,
because I am not really there.
My ghostly hands reach out towards the light
of human contact,
but pass through it like smoke.
My presence dimmed to the point of transparency,
I drift in and out the conscious minds of the people that walk by,
so alive,
so vibrant,
so distant.
~Will McCollough