I guess this kills our date to see "Moving Out"
So right now, I'm thinking Zombies. Of course, those of you who have spent significant amounts of time around me know that I spend a good deal of time thinking about zombies, so this should come as no surprise to you. At any rate, apparently, over in Seattle there was a zombie-themed rave where everybody dressed as zombies and such. Afterwards, this guy who attended the rave went home and retrieved his rifle and proceeded to shoot up the after-party, killing six people and eventually himself. My theory is that after a lot of drugs and alcohol, he could no longer distinguish between reality and fantasy, and after being bitten by a playful e-addled zombie girl, feared that he had become infected, and then acted out the scene of a thousand zombie movies. At any rate, the whole thing is a tragic mess, once more associated with zombies. The whole incident has me thinking of the bit last year where the kid was kicked out of school for writing a work of zombie fiction. I think there is something about invoking the imagery of the walking dead that somehow disturbs mainline society, namely in that zombies often serve as metaphores for the common member of society. Because they are effectively already dead, they may be killed without remorse by the hero. When a kid writes about killing zombies at school, he is seen to be talking about himself as something above the rest of the school, and therefore needs to be cut down. Just some thoughts.
I hate the undead!
Yeah. You all know that while I am fascinated by the undead, I am completely and utterly committed to their destruction. This incident is why I always caution people about posing as undead, because someone just might believe you.
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