Cod is dead, and we are all its murderers...
Well, it has certainly been an odd week. I gave a presentation on Wednesday, pertaining specifically to cyberpunk literature and the search for objectivity within the bowels of subjectivity. Now, it must be noted that I have long had a fascination with cyberpunk fiction, and this certainly helped to motivate my writing. I can't help but think that I chose a bad topic, though, as my audience looked totally confused by what I was saying. Never in my life have I seen such wholesale confusion. If they didn't already think I was a total nut-case before, the certainly did after seeing my presentation. I guess that's what happens when you try and talk about the nouminal and phenomenal worlds to laymen. Seriously, though. In-bloody-sane. On Friday, one guy even went so far as to ask what exactly I was talking about. I got a good grade on the presentation, so all good there.
In other news, I saw the school's production of Midsummer Night's Dream last night. I must say that I found it profoundly entertaining. The only downside was that the guy playing Puck didn't really play it up as much as he could have. Instead, it was the Mechanicals who really stole the show, specifically Jake Rorem, Matt Hecht, Jordan Peterson, and Sean Cowan. I was totally laughing my ass off at their antics, and I can heartily recommend it all. Also, you have to love middle-aged white guys named "Moonbear."