Comings and Goings
Yesterday I attended the wedding of an old friend from High School in Seattle. 'Twas a glorious occasion, as it afforded me to re-connect with many old friends whom I had not seen in quite some time. Hijinx occurred, and laughs were had by all. My old friend Peter and I met up at my place and carpoolled to the wedding, where we met up with our respective families, as well as our friend Dave, the brother of the bride, Jen. Unfortunately, the ceremony was outside, where it was swelteringly hot. On the plus side, the pastor kept is short and sweet, so we were able to swiftly retreat into the air-conditioned safety of the reception, where Pete and I were seated at the same table as all the kids from our old church, a table aptly named "The Wedding Crashers." (All the tables were named after movies that Jen and Chris really liked). At this point, Peter and I began knocking back a few beers, and feeling really old because we were the only ones at the table over 21. It was strange that way. As the proceedings wore on, toasts were given, Pete and I were stuck with sparkling cider instead of Champagne (by virtue of our spot at the kids table), and funny pictures were taken. At any rate, I wish Jen and Chris the best in their new life, as they move to Germany, which will be most interesting, methinks. One German traveller to another, PROST!!!