Come on over here, boy, and have a cigar
Friday was an unusual day in that it was Pink Shirt Friday, courtesy of the Crogers. For this occasion, Dave, Chase, and I all wore pink shirts. However, because all of us do our clothing shopping at Costco, we ended up with the exact same pink shirt. As a result, we looked rather odd standing next to one another. It was as if we were a gang of techies who are very secure in their masculinity. Which I am. I could not help but feeling like a well-read chick-magnet. Okay, so maybe just well-read. At any rate, it was a humorous day, and resulted in many jokes, as well as odd looks from those who were not in the know ahead of time. But we had fun, and I suppose that is what counts.
In other news, today is Father's day, which means that it is time for me to say this:
I love you. You and I have our differences (many), and we don't share a lot of common interests (except of course baseball), but nonetheless, y0u have always been there to support me and care for me. You have made sacrifices to help me to become the man I am today (though we probably could not have guessed what that would be at the time). You taught me how to ride a bike. You tried to teach me physics. You were (and remain) my friend, even when it seemed no one else would be. You suffered through the mind-blasting horror that was my teenage years. You helped put me through college. When everything else in the world seemed uncertain, you were a rock upon which I could count. I cannot thank you enough for your presence in my life. You probably won't read this, and you probably don't even know that this site exists (which may be for the best), but it needs to be said.