Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another day, another game of dodgedick.

Well, it is that time of the year again, namely tax season. I'm going home for the weekend to give the IRS a pound of my flesh, and I am not looking forward to this. Oh well. My mother has indicated that she is going to attempt to procure a few episodes of MST3k from Netflix. The past few days have been rather odd. On Tuesday, one of the guys elected to bring a girl with him to lunch. Given the normal people present on our lunch outings, this is not the sort of move made by a man who is hoping for a piece of the action. At any rate, I made a few classic Will's-foot-in-mouth remarks indicating that, among other things, said female was probably an android, and therefore soulless. And the funny thing was that I ended up coming out of the thing looking not that awful compared to some of my dining companions, particularly the guy who brought her. To make a long story short, it was all an incredibly awkward affair. You know how it goes.
I'm not entirely used to the new office yet, though I am slowly but surely adapting. I'm developing a mild agoraphobia. I've come to take pleasure in the little things that alienate the outside world from the self. This is why I wear a beard, as it helps to keep the rest of the universe comfortably at bay.
In other news, THIS is incredibly funny, and the source of today's title. It is the true stories of a japanese school teacher.


At 7:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You let a girl go to lunch with you? Isn't this the beginning of the end? Just a thought.

If you have a beard, you should change the picture of yourself so that we may glory in Will, resplendant in facial hair.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Will said...

I do have a beard, but I haven't had a picture taken of me with said facial hair, so there you go.
As to the presence of a girl, as I say, I was not the one who brought her. Would I be wrong in assuming that this is in fact Zemke?


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