Another day, another game of dodgedick.
Well, it is that time of the year again, namely tax season. I'm going home for the weekend to give the IRS a pound of my flesh, and I am not looking forward to this. Oh well. My mother has indicated that she is going to attempt to procure a few episodes of MST3k from Netflix. The past few days have been rather odd. On Tuesday, one of the guys elected to bring a girl with him to lunch. Given the normal people present on our lunch outings, this is not the sort of move made by a man who is hoping for a piece of the action. At any rate, I made a few classic Will's-foot-in-mouth remarks indicating that, among other things, said female was probably an android, and therefore soulless. And the funny thing was that I ended up coming out of the thing looking not that awful compared to some of my dining companions, particularly the guy who brought her. To make a long story short, it was all an incredibly awkward affair. You know how it goes.
I'm not entirely used to the new office yet, though I am slowly but surely adapting. I'm developing a mild agoraphobia. I've come to take pleasure in the little things that alienate the outside world from the self. This is why I wear a beard, as it helps to keep the rest of the universe comfortably at bay.
In other news, THIS is incredibly funny, and the source of today's title. It is the true stories of a japanese school teacher.
You let a girl go to lunch with you? Isn't this the beginning of the end? Just a thought.
If you have a beard, you should change the picture of yourself so that we may glory in Will, resplendant in facial hair.
I do have a beard, but I haven't had a picture taken of me with said facial hair, so there you go.
As to the presence of a girl, as I say, I was not the one who brought her. Would I be wrong in assuming that this is in fact Zemke?
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