Hokay, it's like this...
So today, I had my worst day as a Sunday School teacher I have ever had. Yes, I know. It's weird to think that I teach Sunday School. But I do. What do you want? At any rate, I teach the high school kids, and for the past few weeks we've been working on this crazy little brain-child of mine called the Atheist's Bible Study (ABS for short). Essentially, the goal is to explore atheistic philosophical thought in order to learn more about God. It seems perverse, but it actually can be quite valuable. At any rate, this being jan-term break, all of the other interns were gone, so my boss was going to take care of the middle-school kids. Unfortunately, my boss overslept today, and so was unable to make it in to teach the middle-school kids. Unable to leave them to fend for themselves wreaking havoc on our youth room, I figured it was my job to essentially put together a multi-age lesson from scratch on the fly. After all, the ABS is not exactly age-appropriate for jr. high kids. Searching frantically for ideas, I decided to just randomly leaf through a Bible and pick a random book and just start at the beginning and go from there. I flipped through the Bible until I landed in the Book of Ezekiel, known for being one of the strangest books of the Bible, second only to perhaps Daniel or Revelation. So basically, we read the first chapter, wherein Ezekiel describes being appeared to by strange beings, possibly from another world. I then had one of the kids get up and draw one of the creatures. We then talked briefly about numerology in the Bible, wherein certain numbers carry theological connotations (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9). In short, I was making shit up. I concluded that the moral of the story is that the Bible is frickin' weird. As I later recounted this to Renee, she commented that it could have been the Holy Spirit working through me. I replied that if that's the case, then the Holy Spirit is one weird-ass motherfucker. I'm probably courting the thunderbolts right now so I'll shut up about that.
This afternoon, I went and picked up my sister at the airport. She seems to have enjoyed her jaunt home, and her time with her boyfriend. Not that we really expected anything less. I then went out for coffee with Renee, where she related to me all of her exploits in New York. Apparently, FSU was interested in her, so that's kind of cool. I've got family on the faculty there. Anywho, that's basically the scoop in my life.
Oh, and maybe I'm going to Germany over the summer. If I can find the house of Leibniz, that would be awsome. Perhaps venture as far as Koenigsburg to find Kant's tomb. Who knows? Most likely the Shadow knows. More details to come.