Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Down With The Sickness

That's right, still sick here. Godsdamnit, this cold is to a normal cold what Superman is to mere mortals. It's going to take kryptonite to take it out, it looks like. I slept fitfully last night, and this morning I made a run to the grocery store to pick up the things needed to fight a cold of this magnitude: Gatorade. Seriously. The stuff keeps you hydrated, and there's at least some flavor. Not much, I'll grant you, but some. I'm miserable right now. Positively miserable.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Thought I'd give you a few links.

Orson Scott Card

The Ornery American

At any rate, worth checking out. I don't always agree with them, but they're well-written and amusing.


Well, it's that time again, Will must now rant about his day. Yesterday finished off with me feeling a little bit better. At least I was no longer totally delerious. By that I mean that I could function semi-normally. I have discovered a few things: 1, Dr. Death is a very frightening man , and 2, I have ascended beyond mere mortal popsicles. You plebeans may enjoy your Popsicle Brand frozen treats, and that is okay...if you haven't tasted sweet ambrosia that is the whole-fruit bar. No, this is not merely the "juice" of a fruit, but rather a bar composed of both juice and its constituent fruit. Ye gods, if I never go back to the old style, it will be too soon. On another note, some of you may be asking me "Will, why do you always allude to the fact that you have political views, but never actually tell us what they are?" Because my political views are epiphenomenal. They do not effect who I am, but rather are the results of who I am. Those of you who know me should be able to piece together what I think about a given political issue, and leave it at that. The fact of the matter is that I never really bought into this whole "Red state vs. Blue state" business. To me, Red Vs. Blue has always been a humorous internet cartoon about Halo. I want people who visit my site to be able to enjoy it, regardless of who they voted for.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Feeling Like Shit

Ye gods, my sickness seems to have gotten worse. This morning, I was feeling this weird sort of time dilation, wherein minutes felt like hours, and then the chills. Oh gods, the chills! I then dragged my sorry ass out of bed, and out to the grocery store, where I bought a gallon of orange juice and a bunch of popsicles. Whatever it takes, I'm going to kick this cold's ass from here to Timbuktu (that's in Morocco). Consider this a declaration of war. That's right, WAR! I really should have gone ahead and made a pre-emptive strike on this thing, rather than let it get out of hand. This cold will rue the day it crossed me, mark my words! Oh, and I'm still not telling you my political views.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

One More Semester, damnit!

So I had the first day of the last semester at Whitworth today, and it started out in the craphole, as I am feeling a bit under the weather. It was not helped by 8 AM Ideas about History with Mig, one of the most phenomenally unhelpful guys I know. I then had a break until 1, when I had LS-250. I think I want to write a book while I take that class. I started today. I'm thinking something relating theories of time to theories of history. A metaphysical piece, in short. Tomorrow, I have American Multicultural Lit with Dr. Death (and my little sister) and Enlightenment with Corliss, the most awesome history prof on the planet. We shall see how that goes. Really, there is not much to report other than that. I really hope I start feeling better. Sickness sucks. It really, really does.

P.S. I have political views that I'm not going to tell you about. Why? Because I don't feel like it.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hokay, it's like this...

So today, I had my worst day as a Sunday School teacher I have ever had. Yes, I know. It's weird to think that I teach Sunday School. But I do. What do you want? At any rate, I teach the high school kids, and for the past few weeks we've been working on this crazy little brain-child of mine called the Atheist's Bible Study (ABS for short). Essentially, the goal is to explore atheistic philosophical thought in order to learn more about God. It seems perverse, but it actually can be quite valuable. At any rate, this being jan-term break, all of the other interns were gone, so my boss was going to take care of the middle-school kids. Unfortunately, my boss overslept today, and so was unable to make it in to teach the middle-school kids. Unable to leave them to fend for themselves wreaking havoc on our youth room, I figured it was my job to essentially put together a multi-age lesson from scratch on the fly. After all, the ABS is not exactly age-appropriate for jr. high kids. Searching frantically for ideas, I decided to just randomly leaf through a Bible and pick a random book and just start at the beginning and go from there. I flipped through the Bible until I landed in the Book of Ezekiel, known for being one of the strangest books of the Bible, second only to perhaps Daniel or Revelation. So basically, we read the first chapter, wherein Ezekiel describes being appeared to by strange beings, possibly from another world. I then had one of the kids get up and draw one of the creatures. We then talked briefly about numerology in the Bible, wherein certain numbers carry theological connotations (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9). In short, I was making shit up. I concluded that the moral of the story is that the Bible is frickin' weird. As I later recounted this to Renee, she commented that it could have been the Holy Spirit working through me. I replied that if that's the case, then the Holy Spirit is one weird-ass motherfucker. I'm probably courting the thunderbolts right now so I'll shut up about that.

This afternoon, I went and picked up my sister at the airport. She seems to have enjoyed her jaunt home, and her time with her boyfriend. Not that we really expected anything less. I then went out for coffee with Renee, where she related to me all of her exploits in New York. Apparently, FSU was interested in her, so that's kind of cool. I've got family on the faculty there. Anywho, that's basically the scoop in my life.

Oh, and maybe I'm going to Germany over the summer. If I can find the house of Leibniz, that would be awsome. Perhaps venture as far as Koenigsburg to find Kant's tomb. Who knows? Most likely the Shadow knows. More details to come.