Everybody's working for the weekend
Yeah, we had yesterday off. It was nice. It started off with me sleeping in, always a good thing. After that, I did some reading. I then went to the library and did some writing. After that, I went and met Dollar, and we saddled up to go find us some examples of African-American film for our presentation. We decided that we would get Spike Lee's Malcolm X. Easier said than done. Our first stop was the Newport Blockbuster. They don't carry it. We then hit the Hollywood store nearby. They carry it. But they could have fooled us. In fact, they did fool us, as we were unable to locate it. We then went to the Wandermere Blockbuster. No luck, but they did send us to the Northtown Blockbuster, which did in fact carry it. So we had to drive all the way up to Northtown, braving Division traffic and the usual perils of Spokane. At any rate, we got our movie, and returned to my flat to watch at least half of it over a few beers.
After that, I dropped Dollar off back at Whitworth, and returned to hang out for a bit.
In the evening, CYT was putting on a production of The Wizard of Oz. One of our youth group kids was performing in it, so we went out to show our support. The play was okay, though they did suffer from a few technical glitches related to digital projections and the like. Let's face it, it's hard to take the "great and powerful Oz" very seriously when he's represented by a blue screen bearing the "Sanyo" logo. The performances were good, though, so it was okay. Our youth enjoyed it, and the girl who was performing really appreciated our presence. However, there was a minor SNAFU regarding the driving arrangements. Somehow, five kids ended up riding in a car with only four seatbelts. Damn. I felt so crappy when I found out about that. I should have said something, or done something, but I didn't. Thankfully, everybody made it home safely, but it did piss my boss off (understandably). I then went home and slept. And now, here I am.
Update! I'm not kidding. Superman really is a dick! And they started up a new site.