Try Saying That With A Straight Face
So last night, I saw
Daredevil. I must confess that I have always liked the comic quite a bit, with solid writing from classic writers such as Frank Miller, Kevin Smith, Brian Michael Bendis, and numerous others. However, looking at the casting for the title role, I was immediately suspicious. I have a hard time taking Ben "Moonraper" Affleck seriously as an actor, and his attempt to appear angsty was laughable. I suppose that given the material he had to work with, it would be hard to make it appear otherwise, but it just really sucked. I mean, come on. Who would actually say, "I'll be a guardian devil." It was ridiculously overwrought on that whole point. The fight scenes were poorly choreographed and poorly shot, as it was difficult to tell just what exactly was happening. Also, was Matt Murdock bitten by a radioactive spider, in addition to having his eyesight burned away and his senses increased by chemical waste? I mean, in the comics, Daredevil was a talented fighter and all, but he didn't have superhuman abilities outside of his senses. It's like once young Matt has his accident, he suddenly has these phenomenal abilities the likes of which have never been seen. The only upside of the movie was Colin Farrell's take on Bullseye. He pulls off the raving maniac turn startlingly well, and is a spot of entertainment in an otherwise uninspired piece of work. I also was amused by Kevin Smith's cameo appearance as a Silent Bob-esque coroner and forensic examiner. Also interesting was the use of the names of Marvel writers (all of whom have worked on Daredevil at one point in the comic's run) as opponents and the like (i.e., Bendis, Smith, Miller, Romita, Quesada, etc.).
Also, last night, I joined up with my comrades-in-arms from the Mac Basement in a massive eight-player round of
Halo. I must say that the guys in the shaft were ownzed by our superior gaming skillzorz. Our box was 3 and 0 for the evening, cleaning their clocks at every turn. The only close one was a big round of CTF on Sidwinder. One amusing moment was when we were inadvertently forced to be the hapless blue team. Now, I am a dyed-in-the-wool red-teamer, so it was rather amusing when I died and spawned back in our blue base, and found myself surrounded by blue guys. Natural instinct took over and I began to attack my team-mates like mad. At this point, I remembered that I was ON the blue team, and a healthy amount of laughter was had at my expense. We still won, and I was able to engage in a good amount of fustigation on our opponents. Thenceforth, we stayed on the red team. Best quote of the night: "Fudge has nothing to do with it, Mr. Bond."