Ah yes, Thanksgiving Break. A time to go home, be with friends, family, people who call themselves your friends but you really can't stand, and people you wish were your family. Unfortunately, it's also a time when sadistic profs decide to give loads of papers. I have no less than three different papers due the week I get back to school. It really sucks ass. I have a three-pager in World at War, a one-pager in Ethics, and a one-pager in French. Top it all off with a massive butt-load of work in my one-act, and I'll have very little time to do that which I desire to do. Oh well. They have to get their jollies one way or another.
For Thanksgiving Dinner, we are going over to the home of my surrogate grandparents. Now, that in and of itself would be really awsome, as I love these people dearly, and they have been wonderful friends to me throughout my life. However, the OTHER people who are invited are another story. This is a family that I CANNOT stand. Their two kids are absolute snot-faces for whom a gel-ignite mouthwash would be a major improvement. The dad is a total wanker who has this deep-rooted fear and loathing of all things cyber-punk (a problem for me, as I consider myself to be something of a cyberpunk myself). The mom is just this total sop who constantly has this major appendage up her arse as though that gives her the right to bitch and moan over every little thing. In short, everything I sand against. How is it that I have to spend a day that is about being thankful with people that I think would be better off just being erased from existence? Am I providing some sort of cosmic amusement to the powers-that-be? It really is a pain in the ass. I bloody hate that. Must I always be surrounded by idiots?