Salvador Dali Nightmares
Yesterday has to have been one of the most bizarre days I have had in some time. To understand this, you need to back up to Thursday night. I had the worst insomnia I've had in some time. I could not sleep at all, no matter how diligently I tried. It was just not working for me. I ended up not getting into bed until six in the morning, and waking up at 8:45 for class. Needless to say, I was not happy. Due to lack of sleep, my mind was of course in a strange state in which nothing really made sense, and my head felt as if it were detatched from the rest of my body. Furthermore, sleep deprivation also weakened many of my inhibitions, so I was thus saying things that normally are reserved for private thought. The whole world seemed fundamentally weirder than it normally is, a fact of which I was acutely aware. It was like my life had become one great big surrealist painting, and I was stuck in it. Needless to say, I was not pleased with this. Oy. At any rate, I managed to get a full night's sleep last night and am now feeling significantly better.