Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Iceman Cometh

Okay, so I thought it was cold last week, but I think I was wrong on this one. THIS is cold. Insanely cold. At my house, the thermometer read a whopping 3 degrees farenheit. And it will get colder, mark my words.
Work has been going quite well, what with the manuals and all. I'm just starting to capture screenshots today, and will probably have the rough draft finished by Friday. This makes me happy.
The weekend was pretty good. My character died in our D&D game, so I had to roll out my alt, who happens to be totally sweet. For those of you who are interested, the party got hit by a rage aura, causing the party members to attack the nearest creature. My warlock happened to be caught between the druid/ranger and the rogue/swashbuckler. The druid punched me for nothing, and the rogue ended up killing me. Not cool. My alt, however, is made of sturdier stuff, as he is a shifter ranger/barbarian who totally owns against undead (we were fighting a vampire, so he will have a hard time against a ranger with a +4 favored enemy bonus against undead, and armed with a +2 str. bonus undead bane composite longbow).
Sunday, one of my colleagues at the church roped me into helping out with the youth group coffee house. It turned out quite nicely, with a decent turn-out, and excellent performances by all involved. Good work, people!
By the by, Zemke is looking for pro-Satan editorials, so if you know of any, post a comment on his blog. Also, check out yet another update over at Life of Wyma. It's fan-bloody-tastic!