My Hoopty-Hoo
So my room-mate and I have found a new Sunday night addiction: Unexplained Mysteries. That's right, a show devoted to all the craziest wack-jobs in the world. For any unexplained phenomena, they always throw out the most rational explanation and skip straight to the fantastic. Strange lights in the sky? ALIENS! Something in the water? NESSIE! Footprints? SASQUATCH (who is a real being, with real spiritual powers, and lives in the wild!)! It couldn't be something rational or reasonable like, say, a hoax! That wouldn't make sense! And always, there's a weird cooky guy with a huge beard. That's how we know they are scientists. At any rate, it is some of the best Sunday evening entertainment out there.
In other news, a new scientific study has shown that 8 a.m. classes SUCK!
In other other news, my spoon is too big.
In other other other news, I'm bored as hell.