I'm a clever guy who comes up with witty titles for his blogposts...or not
So yesterday I finally caved and went out and picked up the new Harry Potter book. It was a quick read, probably somewhere between ten and twelve hours' total reading time all things considered. At any rate, it's pretty good, people die, and as expected, bad stuff befalls our heroes. Thing is, after reading George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire, I can't really say that I was much affected by the death. After the way Martin sets up the audience, and then kills off half of the main cast in the first book, a character's death means very little to me anymore. If anything, it becomes a rare day that a character doesn't die, so, here's the happy ending: Harry's not dead at the end! Hooray! I've spoiled the book for everybody! Even better, the dead HP character gets a funeral instead of a traitor's death followed by the usual corpse desecration! And now, I have tantalized you enough. Mwa ha ha ha.
In other news, I got a call the other day about a job with a company called Banker's Life. Assuming that this was some sort of banking firm, I called them back to set up a phone interview, and then did some research. Turns out they sell life insurance. When looking at their job postings, all they talked about were extravegant rewards, unlimited income, etc. Nothing in there about duties and responsibilities, and so my spider-sense started tingling. I could see one foot, but the other foot was just waiting to drop somewhere. I figured that it would most be likely commission only. I did some further digging on the internet, and discovered numerous stories in newspapers of this company (or its agents, at any rate) selling inferior policies to older people at prices that were higher than the customers' exsiting policies. At that point, I knew that this was not the sort of environment that I could work in with a clean conscience, as the individuals involved did so, if not at the behest of the company, but at least with the consent of the company, and that the company could turn a blind eye to this sort of thing just turned me off. So yeah, still looking for the job. We'll see what comes of this.