Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I hate my immune system AND the band it likes

Yeah, remember that whole sick day thing? Tuesday was, as I had intimated, not so bad all things considered. I thought things were going well. Suddenly Murray (that's what I call my immune system) decides to crap out on me all over again, so I've been living in that circle of hell wherein the victims are tormented by endless phlegm and more than a little bile. I currently sound like some unholy cross between the Tasmanian Devil and a pubescent boy. Generally, Murray does a pretty good job, but every once in a while he just totally drops the ball, and right now is one of those times. Pull yourself together, Murray! This is almost as bad as that time that Walker, Texas Ranger told me I had AIDS. The funny thing about this whole sickness deal is that everybody I know seems to know someone who is sick right now, but are not sick themselves. I haven't even met a single person who could be classified as sick (myself excluded). How does this occur? Does the virus decide to just skip a generation? Or are all of my friends who know sick people just carriers? Hmm...


At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....I fill a tad sickish....mostly dry throat...and some minor phlegm build up....if you get me sick Mr. Will, there may be death....depends on if I snag a gfx card...if not then I may just be forced to do some RTS stuff :P but dagnabbit I want my DDO! :P

And to not get sick...need the groceries (and a good dictionary besides the behemoth of a book I have....hmm...going to 'word' check it...)

(So besides Dagnabbit and RTS Word likes my text :P)

.........this thing cannot spell Trev with a capital T! OMG! ???

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok everybody,
You have to read this paper. Go to the link. If it doesn't work go to and check it out under the title: "Planes, Trains, and Plantians." For all of you who have had Greek literature/philosophy this will really float your boat.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Will said...

Sweet Zombie Jesus! That is positively hilarious! It makes me laugh with joy! Ha ha ha!


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