Kicking and Screaming into the Century of the Fruitbat
I had the oddest dream this morning. For one thing, I actually remembered it (a rarity for me). I dreamt that I was sleeping outside under a tree filled with bats. At some point, I aroused from my slumber to find a small brown bat crawling up my blanket. Attempting to frighten it away so I could sleep unmolested, I tried to make something of a noise, but all that came out was a pathetic warbling, at which point I realized that it was all a dream, and I was in my own room, completely bat-free. The funny thing is that I actually warbled.
I understand those sorts of dreams. I once had a pink tarancula shooting a revolver at me. It was a most terrifying experience.
Yeah, the thing was that aside from the presence of fruitbats (which are not that fantastic in and of themselves), the dream was fairly mundane, as opposed to the one where I was eaten by a four-eyed Tyranosaur as I pulled a Boba Fett and tossed a grenade down his throat as his razor sharp teeth sliced through my mid-section. Does any of that mean anything? I don't know, except for maybe that my mind is ten kinds of crazy.
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