Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

An Occulted Threat From Beyond CyberSpace

Okay, this is just priceless. My first online threat, and apparently for some imagined slight that makes no sense to me at all. Observe:

"I know of no other way to contact you.

Have you ever written any unofficial sequels with the main character of Morgoth?

If so, you'll probably be pleased to know that the original author is fucked in real life, but I took the character you wanted for my own purposes. Reality-reverted, naturally. If you want to find out who I am, pretend to whine to the site owner as to why it's deleted.

Careful, Morgoth. It's easy to get out-eviled by someone who really knows what he's doing.

And if this doesn't make any sense to you, count it as one of the random weirdnesses of the Internet.

9:35 PM"

Let's go through this from the start: 1) If you know me at all, you know that there are lots of other ways to contact me, like, I don't know? How about E-MAIL!?!?!? Hell, if it's a forum post that has you going, as it appears to be, you could just PM me. 2) The author of this post appears to be referring to some sort of LOTR fanfic. Let me set the record straight: I am a fan of Lord of the Rings. I do not, however, condone fanfic set in Middle-Earth. I don't hold truck with it. 3) You know what? I don't even know what you're talking about. So you're fucked. Good for fucking you. 4) Why the random threat? Is there any need for this sort of hostility? I think not. Get a life, and go outside sometime. I hear it is quite nice this time of year. Oh wait, that would require you to pull your head out of your loathsome, spotty ass, so belay that. And finally 4) Yes, this must be that insane internet randomness I've heard so much about. Now, anonymous, get the fuck off of my website!


At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice reply Will! To tell you who I am... Kablam! That's all I will say, as I don't want any of this craziness for myself!


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