Well, it turns out that I was wrong in my prediction of a UCLA victory, so no extra cash for me. Oh well. Sunday night, Justin came over, which as usual meant some hardcore nerdism. I'm thinking we should create an anthology called "The Controls Are All In German: the Foot-In-Mouth Guide to Dating and Mating." This would be a sort of "how-not-to-do-it" guide to dealings with the opposite sex, composed of all the awkward things that my friends and I have said and done around girls. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
sounds like an entertaining read. let me know when you write it. i could even add a chapter from a girl's perspective... um... meaning MY awkward interactions with boys, not so much YOUR interactions with me.
Sure, though it will probably be a while. Maybe I'll actually do it this time.
So this one time I end up on a blind date. I'm doing it to humor a friend who really wasn't a friend, but he needed a wing man for a double date and I got the short straw. Anyway, I realize the girl I'm on the date with actually likes me. On the other hand, I am completely repulsed. So I do what any 17 year old would do...Start talking about the role of the woman in the home and about how I like a good cook. I was just trying to get rid of her by being a complete mysogynist jerk. This totally backfired because she started talking about how she could really see herself in the role of a house wife. Wow, that wasn't a good thing at all!
This other time I was starting to see this girl and things were starting to get going pretty good when she starts talking about how she just really wants to marry soon and have a whole bunch of kids. Don't get me wrong, I'm not commitment phobic, I'm married now and love it. But totally wrong thing to say to me when I was 19!
Finally, I leave with a story from my alma mater. I start to dig this girl and I'm talking to her. The next words out of my mouth were going to be "So, I like you, let's get together friday night" when she says "I really value your friendship... you're like a brother to me. Needless to say, I didn't say what was on the tip of my tongue.
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