Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Where Eagles Dare

I swear, I ain't no goddamned son of a bitch!
Okay, now that I've gotten the Misfits out of my system for the night, a brief recap of things in the life that I lead:
1) Yesterday was my birthday, celebrating my 24th year on this, the third planet from our star. To celebrate, a crew from work (plus Trev and Sean) headed down to O'Daugherty's for lunch, and some good old fashioned (mostly) Irish food. I essentially had Guinness and, well, Guinness for lunch in the form of a pint of Guinness and some Guinness-battered fish and chips (the best there is, natch!).
2) Soccer season starts tomorrow. With a game at 11 o'clock in the evening. The team will be wiped come Friday morning, I suspect. On a related note, we got our team jerseys today, and I must say damn, we look awesome. Hopefully they will serve as a means to intimidate our opponents into letting us win.
3) We are in the midst of a sort-of crunch right now, as we demo our product to a client in NJ. As a result, there's a code-freeze on, meaning that I have been spending most of my time on the Army project doing the chat review they should be doing. This is the part of the job that is at once hilarious and soul-crushingly depressing. Hilarious because people actually ask things like "can I have sex with my platoon," and soul-crushingly depressing because so many of them actually try to bear their inner thoughts and dreams to what is essentially a robot. I suppose that could be an accurate description of life (hilarious and depressing all at the same time, not sex with platoons), but suffice it to say that my survival mechanism has been a thickly-developed shell of irony. And to think we give these people guns...
4) Thanksgiving is next week, and the folks are coming out, which will be a fantastic time, I suspect. Woo-hoo! Plus, it'll be a short week, which is always awesome.


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