Start Something
The weekend is over, and it was actually pretty good. Friday was spent drinking beer and watching Scrubs (two excellent past-times in and of themselves, but are only better when combined). Saturday, the gaming crew came over and we rolled over a slough of cultists thanks to the cunning application of c4, claymore mines, and the judicious use of a +2 Flaming Rapier. Did I mention I love Combat Reflexes? Sunday, my parents came over to help move Anna's stuff out of her dorm. Being the good older brother, I obliged and helped out. It also being Mother's Day, I got Mom the first season of Lost on DVD, which she appreciated quite a bit (she was already an addict, so I'm just getting her a fix, not getting her hooked). We then went out for lunch at the Outback, which was quite delicious. In the evening, Trev, Jeff, and I went to a shindig celebrating the graduation of the esteemed Sean and Tom. Now, almost all of my friends have graduated. It seems really surreal when I drive by the empty Whitworth campus, and know that most of the people who will be there next year are people of whom I have virtually no recollection. By necessity, this feeling will continue to grow as the years go on. And now, the weather is good, so I have every intention of enjoying it.
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