Morgoth Bauglir: A day in the life of a Dark Lord

WWCD? (What Would Cthulhu Do?) No, for the last time, I'm not a cultist!

Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm Strong to the Finish 'Cause I Drinks Me Guinness

Well, it is in fact my birthday. The weekend was spent basically celebrating it, which meant hanging out with the usual Saturday night crew, plus Decken, who made me a semi-ironic birthday cake. Sunday night, Justin came over and we watched the always execrable Casper van Dien in one of many Sci-Fi originals. This made me laugh. The funny thing is, 23 really feels no different from 22, except that, well, I'm a year older. The thing is though, that every day I'm a day older, but I don't go around counting that milestone. That would be just plain silly. The point being that the passage of time is really a peculiar thing. Each atomic moment occurs, and then it disappears for us, recalled only through memory, and we have to check that yes, we do in fact still exist. Except we don't exist as the same person, as Heraklitus so famously showed. It's rather strange, really.
In other, slightly more depressing news, the ass-hats at Fox decided to cancel Arrested Development because they felt that it was detracting from the viewership of Prison Break. Yeah, it's pretty damn stupid. Why do these networks spend exorbitant amounts of time and money promoting and coddling shows that are usually rather insipid and dull, while setting intelligent and clever shows up for failure by giving them crappy and inconsistent time-slots and minimal promotion (as in one single advertisement the day before airing)? This is further proof that God doesn't watch television.
P.S. Justin's birthday is Thursday, so Happy Birthday to you, too, buddy!


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heraklitis is the man! He is really right. Its not that everything isn't made of atoms, its that inside the atoms is change in the form of ever moving electrons. So here's to you Hereklitis! And here's to you Will! Another year of pissing people off! Speaking of pissing people off, write letters to the network shills to get your show back.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Momily said...

Happy Birthday. :)

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I freakin love my city library. I am on a fall break so I went to the library to check out some movies. Much to my delight I came home with some great picks! Hell Boy, School of Rock, the 1981 version of HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Brave Heart! This couldn't be any sweeter! I don't know what to watch first, but rest assured, but this time tomorrow I will have seen all of these wonderful films. D


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