Today I let my alter-ego go without any sort of restraint. I hadn't done that in a while. Normally, I am a rather quiet, dull person with a somewhat melancholiac streak. However, when my alter-ego, the Dark Lord Morgoth Bauglir (from whom this site takes its name, also the supreme Dark Lord in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. Morgoth also happens to be the boss behind Sauron of LOTR fame.) takes over, I become a snide, sarcastic, evil megalomaniacal madman bent upon global domination. Needless to say, occasionally, Morgoth's presence is always lurking beneath the surface, and sometimes he makes a few snide remarks here and there, but very rarely do I let him just do as he pleases. Today, however, Morgoth had his day. It must be noted that today had been rather trying at work. The kids were bloody aweful, and just when I had had enough, Bauglir came out to play...It all started out with an innocuous water fight amongst the kids. However, as events progressed, gears began to turn in my head. I snuck into the office area and horked four 1-gallon pitchers, which I proceeded to fill with water. Thus armed against the little monsters, I decided to fight water with water, and I wielded those pitchers as though I were in possession of Grond, the Hammer of the Underworld itself. I smote many of the little buggers with the demonic onrushing torents of water, drenching them to the bone, particularly those with whom I was most pissed. With pure sadistic glee, I forced them to run for their towels as I laughed maniacally. Ha ha ha! Afterwards, nothing could snap my calm. Not only that, but I got let off the hook for having to work overtime tonight. Again I say, Ha ha ha!
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